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The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet

Човдурбаева Курбанай Тургалиевна
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It speaks for itself that getting the right and fruitful education plays a paramount role in this fast-paced life. extracurricular activities. Therefore, education has a considerable impact on our development as a human being. Education is a part and parcel of advancement in every aspect of life out there. It holds true that education provides us with a great sense of success when we reach the end point of what we really set out to do till the very end. For this reason, it’s crucial to mention how arduous it is in the beginning to learn something for the first time. Herein lies the main idea of this essay: expressing my viewpoints from my own perspective and summarizing the key points of what difficulties we face in gaining right education and the incredible upshots of hard work through failures.
For one thing, I would primarily mention that accomplishment we gain as a result of working hard and staying determined to gain ground is indispensable point of education. It’s paramount that we must bear in mind even the most insurmountable and major obstacles help us make strides. I presume that if we are headstrong enough to come through with initial quandaries in front of us standing on the road to great breakthroughs, it is highly likely to pan out. I am absolutely convinced that making progress on a regular basis and the working at full stretch play so significant a role in making headway to the highest peak of education. To illustrate an example, I would touch on my own experience. Truth be told, I felt a pressing needs to make a go of my teaching career from the outset. When I first started working as a teacher, I couldn’t keep up with every single paperwork so I made up my mind to move heaven and earth so as to get over the predicaments of education. Only when I fell through many a time did it dawn on me that the beginning is always the hardest. Nevertheless, I braced myself for anything unexpected: whether it is failures or achievements. On top of that, I realized the essential importance of the saying: «Practice makes perfect». Therefore, it turned out that education calls for steely determination and day-by-day preparation. Irrespective of how many times we fail in life, it is of great importance to crack on getting ahead of ourselves without a loss of enthusiasm. I found it quite rewarding when my hard work paid off. My achievement began to bear fruit as I redoubled my efforts. Having run tremendous amount of errands, I felt quite tedious and thought I would rather have given up. In truth, I was about to lose heart and I would confess that the bitter beginning of my journey to the path of roaring success. Despite the odds I encountered, I thought it would be reckless of me to shatter my fondest dreams. There was no point in giving up so I gave myself some incentive to work flat out. As time flew by, I noticed a far better improvement in my work. Had it not been for my all-out efforts and willpower, I would not have chalked up in the least. From that time forward, I engaged in many competitions and other turn of events to enhance my chance of getting sophisticated and knowledgeable enough to worth my salt.
Secondly, I went to great lengths to better my teaching skills. There were times I experienced ups and downs but I came to terms with the bumps in the road and kept my chin up. After that, I started to see my failures as a stepping stone to outstanding fulfilments. I would like to put great emphasis on the fact that accomplishments in what you love at the bottom of your heart make you understand the true value of objectives and find out true straits of the very beginning of learning. I reconciled myself to look upon the odds as a golden opportunity to bear fruit in educating students and myself simultaneously. I firmly believe that the sweet smell of success in education is what makes us thrive on life down the road. From my very standpoint, the stimulus to look forward and step ahead is therefore an extension of being single-minded and ambitious.
Last but not least, it is needless to say that the beginning is always the hardest part of our journey to success. It is up to us to push ourselves and set our hearts on goals.Like I said, establishing achievable goals is vital in getting what we long for. To support my statement, I would say that I got hang of teaching efficaciously with the help of glaring mistakes but I pulled off in keeping my sanity and did my utmost so as to become proficient in encouraging my students to move on studying hard all along. Up until now, I have been putting my back into my work to conquer the uphill battles. I went a long way and it would be fair enough to say that my hard work paid off in the end. I am in no doubt that the first step to win out in life is by all means to put everything into life targets that lead us to great breakthroughs.
In summary, I would like to wrap up saying that I am tremendously proud of my hard-won achievements. I am still buckling down to experience more and more remarkable accomplishments. I have always been rising to the challenges of my life and I am absolutely sure that only in such a way I can  enjoy the sweet fruits of education.

Chovdurbayeva Kurbanay Turgalievna
English teacher of Zhanaozen Gymnasium-school

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