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The Christmas Fairy-Tale

Кульчикова Молдир Сарсенбаевна,
Атырау қаласы
Қ. Дүтбаева атындағы гуманитарлық колледжі
пән бірлестік жетекшісі, ағылшын тілі пәніоқытушысы


Asyl: Dear friends! We are the students of the second course. We are very glad to see you here. And we want to congratulate you on Christmas and New Year.

Nazken: May happiness brightens your day, prosperity greets you in your ways, may success be with you, in every way that you do. Wishing you every joy and merry Christmas!

2(9)A: Song “Jingle Bells”

Asyl: Today our students want to show the Christmas fairy tale.

Nazken: I think we are all ready to start our show. Let’s go!

(Two students coming out the scene)

Gulzhaina: Oh my God!

Aigerim: What happened?

Gulzhaina: I don’t know what to do. I am so tired because of the study these lessons, exams… mmmm I can’t remember anything.

Aigerim: Don’t worry my friend! I believe we find some ways to pass the exams.

Gulzhaina: And if not…I doubt…And then I have to learn by heart all the tales and poems. It’s impossible. I am looking forward to coming Christmas. I am eager to have fun and relax.

Aigerim: Everything will be ok. Just believe…. I advised you my way to pass the exam. When I have to learn something I learn it as every Kazakh students do. I read it twice then put the book under the pillow and sleep.

Gulzhaina: Oh really? Does it work?

Aigerim: No doubt. Oh it’s too late. I must go home…Bye.

Gulzhaina: Bye. (Looks at the ceiling, and begins to read Hamlet’s monologue)

To be or not to be…

To be, or not to be: that is the question:

Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heart – ache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to, ‘tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep;

To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come.

(Aigerim leaves, and Gulzhaina remains: In a reverie moves aside and as though raves, looking at a ceiling)

Then it’s like coming back into reality and saying: Tomorrow is a new day. Let’s check how.

Then goes to bed with a book, something muttering, falls asleep and sees a dream.

On the stage appears Cinderella, followed by mice and cats. Cinderella sings a song.  (They’re leaving)

Coming out Fairy: Christmas is coming! It’s time of miracles and fun! Forget about lessons, books and college! Close your eyes and keep silent… Magic is here. Do you believe in it? Today o have a gift for you. I will only wave my magic wand and grans your dearest wish. Wake up! (Swinging the magic wand of the student, she wakes up in perplexity) You will go on an exciting journey. Beautiful Britain, magnificent Russia are waiting for you! (Pure imagination)

(After it, Gulzhaina and Fairy go away)

Pictures of Great Britain at Christmas, against this backdrop, Gulsaya reads a verse about Christmas.

Quests from Great Britain: I come from a land far away. A little place that some people called Great Britain. I left my motherland with my friend. We travel all around the world…

Asyl: Oh, welcome to our party.

The Spirit of Christmas goes under the fiery melody and begins to awaken all and begins the disco.

Dance: “Jingle Bells” (Aigerim, Rimma)

The melody is changing. All run, on the stage remains Anel and sings a song.

Nazken and Asyl: Merry Christmas!!!

Song: “We wish you Merry Christmas” group 2(9)v

Poems about Christmas: Nursaya, Aliya, Perizat

Christmas Winter Wonder

Oh Christmas comes yet once a year,

Full with joy

Packed with Cheer

A child’s new shiny toy

Yon Virgin’s new boy

For Him now mankind may enjoy.

But a world bitter unkind,

Days promise split asunder

Poor and tired only find

Just another cold bed of hunger

Cold rain’s lightning and un-humbled thunder

Unanswered prayers mournful number.

A sacred promise made is it not so very clear,

Renewed blessings are for all more than just once a year.

Gift of Love

As Christmas approaches, I think of how money doesn’t matter

In a time when love should come first, whether broke or rich

With decorations or not, all the celebration is about love

For all of our creation and each other here on earth

Brighter than colored lights, stronger than storms that arrive

All anyone needs is the warmth of love in a place that can be cold

All anyone needs to do is be grateful for what was created for us

All that we can see, every day of the year being now and later

The greatest gift is love, reaching other’s hearts with care

In a world that has rushed ahead, in this simple gesture to unite



Santa Has the Best Job

The elves had been loading Santa’s sleigh for the night.

The reindeer were all prancing about, with delight.

With Santa aboard, a loud, “Ho-Ho”, did ring;

on the crispy, cold air, as the sleigh left with a “zing”.

Their forms, they were lit, by the nightlight moon;

Old Santa would be delivering soon.

At the first house, he came down the chimney just right;

“Clearly”, he said, “this will be a good night”!

The cookies and milk, so refreshing, they’d be;

As he gobbled them down, with such hearty glee.

On and on, he continued; delivering his gifts.

The sleigh a bit lighter, the reindeer, did lift.

As an airliner so swiftly, came crossing their path;

The faces inside, took a big, second glance.

(All on stage) Choir: Happy New Year!

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