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Extra-curricular lesson «Trip to English grammar land»

Objectives: -revise grammar themes, do tasks, work in groups, work with the texts, answer the questions, find equivalents of proverbs in Kazakh and Russian languages, to bring up students’ interests to English language.

Visual aids: interactive board with slides, cards with tasks, pictures, magic basket.

The type of the lesson: group work.

Methods of the lesson: completing words, speaking, discussing, reading and writing, talking to partner, matching the words, retelling the text, answering the questions.

The connection with other subjects: Kazakh, Russian.

Epigraph of the lesson: To master foreign languages means to be polylingual person.

he procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organizational moment.

Introducing: -Good day, dear pupils and our guests! Welcome to our extra-curricular lesson. I am glad to see you and I hope, you will enjoy today’s lesson.

— Students! First of all I want you to come to the board and do half circle. Your task is to tell your secrets for us. You should start with the phrase-You don’t know that I ….. For example: You don’t know that I like reading, but I don’t like painting. Do you understand me? O’k. Begin telling your secrets.

-And now I divide you into two groups by your characters and your appearances. When I invite you, you have to do one step forward and take your seats. Let’s start: 2 brave students are Anel and Ulbolsyn. And you are leaders of your group. Two beautiful and handsome are Jhanya and Timur, two clever are Akmonshak and Arujan, two creative are Marjan and Dias, two strong are Juldyzai and Nurbek, two attentive students are Laura and Anar. Sit down, please.

— And the theme of our lesson is- «Trip to English grammar land». The epigraph is -To master foreign languages means to be polylingual person. Let’s guess what the objectives will be today?

-Look through the board and the objectives will be……

— Today we are going to trip four lands: Trip to articles, tenses, reported speech and gerund or infinitives.

2. Let’s start our first trip. It’s trip to articles. I’ll give you papers with words. You should divide them with definite and with indefinite articles. The first group should write words with definite articles inside the circle, other words outside. The second group should write words with indefinite articles inside the circle, other words outside. I’ll give you five minutes.

Write definite or indefinite:

Group A: Moon, sun, planets, unions, world, start, earth, Karibaevs, in ….hurry, few, dictionary, cream, oldest, African elephant, piano, guitar, British, Kazakh, Balkhash lake, Toronto, father, biology, aunt, Black Sea, Pacific, Alps, Thames, Sahara, Grand Hotel, British museum, Kazakhstan, France, Astana, Abai Street.

Group B: …great deal of, … lot of, … few, … little, it’s …. pity, to have … cold, at … time, in a hurry, to have … good time, grain, coal, oil, milk, salt, ink, cheese, bread, knowledge, pleasure, geography, captain, have … headache, to go for … walk, dictionary, university, one-pound coin, umbrella, hour, spider, tree, water, New York.

Reflect by Blob tree. Write your names and paint, then explain.

III. The second part is-trip to English tenses. It is very important and necessary to know English tenses. So let’s match sentences and say what tense is it? I will give you five minutes.

Match the sentences:

  1. 3 ж V+s,-es,-ies                                                       1. Emma passed her exam last year.
  2. To be (present)+V+ing                                         2. I was walking down the street when it began to rain.
  3. V+ed (V2)                                                                3. We always do our shopping at Greenway.
  4. To be (past) +V+ing                                              4. I have already finished cleaning my room.
  5. Have,has+V3                                                           5. The little girl is dirty from head to foot because she has been playing in the mud.
  6. Had+ been+V+ing                                                  6. Look! The house is burning!
  7. Have,has+been+V+ing                                          7. When I had finished my homework, I went to bed.
  8. Will,shall+Infinitive                                                8. We had been waiting for Nancy for over 3 hours before she finally arrived yesterday.
  9. Had+Past Participle                                               9. I think It will rain tomorrow.
  10. Will be+V+ing                                                        10.Phone me after 8 o’clock we will have finished dinner  by then.
  11. Will have+V3 (past participle)                            11.If you need to contact me,I will be staying at the Lion Hotel until Friday.
  12. Will have been +V+ing                                         12.Timur will have been studying for two hours by the time his friend arrives.

Reflect by case, mincer and basket. Write what you have understood. Then explain it

4.The third part is — trip to reported speech. You should choose one text from magic basket and change sentences into reported speech. I’ll give you 10 minutes for preparing.

Reflect by-Yes or No answers. I will choose one pupil and I put a sticker on the forehead with secret word. Then this pupil should ask questions for the class. Other pupils should answer with –Yes or No answers. And this pupil who I have chosen will guess this secret word. Do you understand me? Ok, I want to invite Ulbolsyn….

5.The fourth part is-trip to gerund or infinitive. There are proverbs on the board. You should find the correct equivalents, translate proverbs in Kazakh and Russian languages. You may use your internet from your mobile phones to find equivalents. Let’s start. I’ll give you five minutes.


1…. everything is ….nothing.

  1. It’s never too late ….
  2. Speaking without …. is shooting without aiming.
  3. Doing is better than ….
  4. A clean hand wants no ….

6.There is no …. for tastes.

7…. is the eye of the mind.

  1. A good …. makes a good ….
  2. A constant …. wears away a stone.

10….. is believing.

11.Think twice before ….

12…. a mountain out of a molehill.

13…. two birds with one stone.

  1. Appetite comes with ….

Reflect by stairs. Underline and explain.

6. Reflection. Well done. Let’s reflect our whole lesson. It’s knowledge river and it’s boats. If you complete sentences with positive answers you should put your boats inside river and if you don’t like lesson you can stay your boats on the port. Explain your emotions.

Marking groups. You have worked very well. Thank you for your participating. The lesson is over. Good bye!

Балтина Гульназ Мукановна

                         № 27 жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі,

                         ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі,

Қарағанды облысы, Сәтбаев қаласы


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