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Cultural Sites of the UK


 Form 10A
The aim: 1.to encourage  student’s to make a personal response to the material studied, to work with the text. Grammar: how to use the articles

  1. To extend their knowledge about cultural heritages of Kazakhstan and sites of Britain.
  2. To develop their ability to express, to express their thought logically ,also to broaden their outlook and  to love own Motherland

Accessories: a textbook , an active board, pictures, grammar table
The   plan  of  the lesson.

  1. The org. moment.

Good morning students!
How are you?
I am glad to see you!
Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
Who is absent today?
Let’s begin our lesson.

2.Warm -up. The Game: Polyglot Slide 1
3.Checking the home task.
Look at the slides and speak about Cultural Heritage of our country. Slide 2
1.The Mausoleum 2.Tamgaly Gorge 3.Shymbulak 4.Kolsai Lakes 5.Ulken Almaty lake 6.Charin Canyon , Kaiyndy  Kol
4.The new Theme
The cultural sites of the UK
Speaking about sites of the UK
London Eye, Tower Bridge ,Stonehenge, The Giant ‘s Cause way Edinburgh. Slide 3

  1. New words from the text

Mystery- жұмбақ
A temple- киелі
Observatory- обсерватория
Bones- сүйектер
Medieval-орта ғасыр
Antiquary- антиквар, көне зат
Plain-жазық жер
Sacred- әулие, киелі
6.Read the text and translate  it. Answer the questions. Slide 4
1.What does Stonehenge symbolize?
2.What is its original purpose?
3.When was Stonehenge built?
4.Who built Stonehenge?
5.What is Stonehenge for people?

  1. Grammar: Articles Slide 5

We use a/an before singular countable nouns.
We cannot use singular countable nouns alone (without a/the/my)
We use a/an…to say what kind of thing or person something/somebody
We use a/an when we say what somebody’s job is.
We use when we are thinking of a specific thing.

  1. Ex 6 p. 179 Put in a/an or the
  2. ”Ара ұясы “ Әдісін қолдана отырып сабақты қортындылау.
  3. Giving marks

10.Home task :ex 7 P.179
The end of the lesson .Good bye!



Бегаева Елмира Жумашевна,
№19 орта мектептің
ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі,
Жамбыл облысы, Тараз қаласы

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