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A trip to London

«Лондонға саяхат»


Welcome to the Great Britain! Let’s watch the film about the Great Britain. I will be the guide and tell you about the places of interest of London.


Children? What a beautiful City London! Do you agree with me?


Yes, оf course! What a beautiful city London.


I want to say there are many children live in London. Let’s go to the kindergarten and meet new friends! We go by bus.

Song: The wheels on the bus go

The wheels on the bus go

round and round

round and round

round and round


We arrived kindergarten to the!

Let’s acquaintance with an English girl and ask some questions to her.

What is your name?

My name is Catrine,

Where do you live?

I live in London.

My kindergarden is large beautiful and clean. In the kindergarden I drow, swim, read, write, count, dance, sing, play.

Very good!


Children! Look around. There are many music instruments. Let’s take them and call them in English.

«What’s this?»

«This is a drum»

«What’s this?»

«This is a violin»

«What’s this?»

«This is a silver flute»

«What’s this?»

«This is a old guitar»


Children! Do you know how do you play music instruments?


Yes, of сourse!


Lets take a guitar, a drum, a piano, a violin and sing a merry song.

I am the music man

I come from far away

And I can play

What can you play?

I can play the piano, piano, piano

I can play the piano

And this is how I play


To communicate with English children it is necessary to know English alphabet. Let us repeat it with helping of song. Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh,Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll M,m, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz.


Children! You are clever! It is time to have a rest. Goodbye! Good luck!


Goodbye, boy!

Goodbye, girls!

Goodbye, teacher!

Goodbye, everyone!


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