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What is distance learning?

At present , distance learning is conducted everywhere in universities ,colleges and schools. Distance learning is a form of distance learning between a teacher and a student with the help of Internet resources, is learning through the internet. The organization of effective training is an important task.

Due to the current emergency situation in the country, all schools in Kazakhstan have started teaching distance learning in the fourth term. This is big challenge for all of us, we are teaching in this format for the first time. Every teacher works to create a valuable world in the minds of students, improving their skills.

The effectiveness of  distance learning has also become noticeable. First of all , each student is responcible for all lessons in his family , sitting with his parents .

Second , there is a close relationship between teacher and student , parents.

Thanks to such positive changes , students participate in almost every lesson clearly express their thoughts online .

As for the advantage of distance learning, most children are reluctant to go to the blackboard in front of classmates and the teacher . They see it as a game , not a fear.

Distance learning also helps students to master new technologies . Students visit various sites and participate in subject Olympiads and competitions online.

We believe that this is an achievement in the self-education and development of students. Most students have access to computers, various means of communication, know how to search and process information.

It is important for every teacher to recognize distance learning as a new and modern way of teaching and to develop their skills in this area , which is a modern requirement. This is also a temporary problem.

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№13 мектеп-гимназия  КММ
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Кезбаева Анара Тажимаганбетовна

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