Home » Ашық сабақтар » Extra reading: A Trip to Charyn Canyon

Extra reading: A Trip to Charyn Canyon

Кульчикова Молдир Сарсенбаевна
Атырау қаласы
Қ.Дүтбаева атындағы Атырау
гуманитарлық колледжінің
ағылшын тілі пәні оқытушысы




Practical EnglishCollege:  Named after K.Dutbaeva
Date: 13.03.2020Teacher’s name: Kulchikova Moldir Sarsenbaevna
Group:3(9) vNumber present:10Number absent: 0
Theme of the lesson:Extra reading: A Trip to Charyn Canyon
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to— Evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

— Understand with little support most specific information in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
  • Use learnt vocabulary while discussion
  • Identify particular information and details while listening.

·        Express their ideas

·         Understand  the main idea about text

·        To find  out more information about  Charyn Canyon

Assessment criteriaA learner
Ø use speaking and listening skills while discussion

Ø understand specific information and details from the text

Ø communicate clearly during pair, group and whole class discussion

Ø talks to partners and answers the questions

Ø discusses the questions

Value linksTo respect each other
Cross curricular linksGeography
Use of ICT


Projector or Smart board for showing a presentation ,using on-line dictionaries
Previous learningSpeaking about their favourite places in the whole world and describe it, say why it is special for them.
Planned timingsPlanned activitiesResources

2 min

T: Greeting. To improve their previous learning.“Spider web”
Warm up
3 min   


Work with text


 Warm up : Everybody look at the screen let’s sing a song about “Places in the city”.

Ok, I’ll give you sweets and by this way I divide you into 2 groups. I. Cities, II. Places


All together look at the screen. What do you think about this picture? What is it?

(After looking for pictures students give their own answers about it)


Before reading our text let’s watch a video material about Charyn Canyon.








Video material


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