Ospanova Meruyert Abdisalykovna
2-year master’s student of the Pedagogical
Institute of Astana International University,
Astana, Kazakhstan
Scientific supervisor: M. G  PhD   Yeskendirova





Зерттеудің осы практикалық кезеңінің мақсаты 6 және 7 сыныптар негізінде ағылшын тілі сабақтарында шет тілін оқытудың заманауи әдістерін қолдану болып табылады.

Зерттеу әдістері. Сабақтарды әзірлеу кезінде коммуникативті және жобалық әдістер қолданылды, олар қазіргі заманғы ең кең таралған әдістердің бірі болып табылады. Бұл әдістердің мәні керісінше, өйткені коммуникативті әдіс өзара әрекеттесуге, тұлғааралық қатынастарды құруға негізделген, ал жобалық әдіс бұл жағдайда жеке, студенттің жеке, шығармашылық қасиеттерін ашады, оның пікіріне, инновациялық технологиялармен жұмыс істеу дағдыларына сүйенеді.


Целью данного практического этапа исследования является применение современных методов преподавания иностранного языка на уроках английского языка на базе 6 и 7 классов.

Методы исследования. При разработке уроков использовались коммуникативные и проектные методы, которые являются одними из наиболее распространенных методов из всех современных. Суть этих методов противоположна, поскольку коммуникативный метод основан на взаимодействии, выстраивании межличностных отношений, а проектный метод в данном случае индивидуален, раскрывает личностные, творческие качества студента, опирается на его мнение, навыки работы с инновационными технологиями.


The goal This practical stage of the study is the application of modern teaching methods Foreign language in English lessons based on grades 6 and 7.

Research methods. When developing the lessons, communicative and project methods were used, which are among the most common methods of all modern ones. The essence of these methods is opposite, since the communicative method is based on interaction, building interpersonal relationships, and the project method in this case is individual, reveals the personal, creative qualities of the student, relies on his opinion, skills of working with innovative technologies.



The method of teaching foreign languages is a system of knowledge about the laws of the process of teaching a non-native language and about ways to influence this process in order to optimize it. The method of teaching a foreign language discovers and substantiates the patterns of learning a foreign language. Historically, two functionally different methodologies have emerged: general and particular methods. The general methodology, as a rule, is devoted to the study of the laws and peculiarities of the process of learning a foreign language, regardless of which foreign language is being discussed. Thus, the principles of selection of educational material, the ratio of oral and written speech at different stages of the lesson, etc. will be in the same conditions of learning the same for any of the Western European languages studied in secondary schools in our country. However, knowledge of the general patterns of learning of the IL is insufficient when the teacher is confronted with the specific features of a particular foreign language. Thus, the methods of mastering the verb forms of Continuous are specific only for the English language, cumbersome patterns of composition, the declension of nouns and adjectives are characteristic of the German language, and the methods of forming numerals, the use of diacritical marks, the article, and the presence of a partitive article in French. Significant differences are observed in phonetics: trifthongs and diphthongs are specific for the English language, and nasal vowels for the French language. As experience and practice shows, the teacher needs to develop and implement such techniques, methods and forms of training that have contributed to the rapid mastery of students in the relevant specific phenomena in a particular foreign language. Thus, a private method explores the study of language and speech phenomena that are specific to the particular foreign language being studied.

The aim of the dissertation research: to study modern methods of teaching a foreign language and consider effective ways of in-depth study of a foreign language.

Research objectives: on the way to the analysis of modern methods of teaching a foreign language, several objectives are considered:

1) to consider the theoretical aspects of modern methods of teaching a foreign language.

2) to study the methodological principles of the modern methods of teaching a foreign language.

3) to make a comparative description of modern methods of teaching a foreign language.

4) to identify the didactic possibilities of applying modern methods of teaching a foreign language.

5) to conduct a practical analysis and observation of modern methods of teaching a foreign language.

6) to consider the practical application of the interactive method in the EL lesson.

7) to discover the features of the interactive method in the EL lesson.

8) to present the results of the experimental part of the dissertation work

The object of study: modern methods of teaching a foreign language.

The subject of the study is the process of studying foreign languages ​​using modern methods

Research hypothesis: the use of a variety of modern methods of teaching a foreign language in English lessons will interest students of a strong traditional method and will contribute to a better assimilation of the material covered.

The novelty of the research: the development, improvement, optimization of effective methods of teaching and mastering a foreign language is one of the urgent problems of the modern Kazakhstan education system. Describes widely used approaches in teaching a foreign language. The methods applied to the digital educational process are considered. Recommendations are offered on the use of modern methods of teaching a foreign language.

Scientific and applied significance: the topic of this dissertation makes a certain contribution to the development of the theory and practice of teaching foreign language teaching methods.

The goal This practical stage of the study is the application of modern teaching methods Foreign language in English lessons based on grades 6 and 7.

Research methods. When developing the lessons, communicative and project methods were used, which are among the most common methods of all modern ones. The essence of these methods is opposite, since the communicative method is based on interaction, building interpersonal relationships, and the project method in this case is individual, reveals the personal, creative qualities of the student, relies on his opinion, skills of working with innovative technologies.

Observing the students in the learning process, she stressed that the use of interactive learning leads to the fact that students not only learn the language, but at the same time develop the skill of cooperation. Also during the lesson, noticed that communicative competence is distinguished by the transformation of communication style, understanding and overcoming communication barriers among students, tolerance in solving communicative tasks, thanks to which, it contributes completeness and adequacy of communication in solving various life situations .

Success and effectiveness of interactive learning FL in the English lessons conducted, it largely depended on my participation in the learning process, since the teacher’s ability to motivate students creates fertile ground for the interactive process of acquiring knowledge. In recent years , teachers EL independently choose the means and methods of teaching used in the classroom, that is, pedagogical activity in the interactive method of teaching EL – this is the author’s activity of each teacher, which leads to an increase in the use of personality-oriented techniques. noticed that when implementing the techniques of the interactive methodology, students feel free and comfortable, liberated, the interests of students are stimulated, which increases the desire to apply FL in practice .

The whole point is that when using an interactive teaching method, the learning process is formed so that all students are involved in the process of cognition, reflect on what they know and think, due to which everyone makes a special individual contribution.


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