Алматы қаласы
Абылай хан атындағы Халықаралық Қатынастар

және Әлем Тілдері Университет, 4 курс студенті
Байболсынкызы Акниет

Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена исследованию специфики развития медиаграмотности у учащихся старших классов на основе ИКТ. На сегодняшний день проблема развития медиаграмотности у учащихся является весьма актуальной. Помимо чисто практических навыков работы с различными медиа (компьютерные технологии, Интернет и т. В статье выделяется важность анализа и синтеза пространственно-временной реальности, умение «читать», интерпретировать и критически оценивать медиатексты (т.е. сообщения, содержащие информацию).

Ключевые слова: медиаграмотность, медиаобразование, медиакомпетентность, ИКТ, СМИ

Abstract. This article is devoted to the study of the specifics of the development of media literacy in school learners based on ICT. Today, the problem of developing media literacy among students is very relevant. In addition to purely practical skills in various media (computer technology, the Internet, etc.), the importance of analysis and synthesis of space-time reality, the ability to «read», interpret and critically evaluate media texts (i.e. messages containing information and transmitted by means of communication) of various types and genres is actualized.

Keywords: media literacy, media education, media competence, ICT, mass media

Аннотация. Бұл мақала АКТ негізінде жоғары сынып оқушыларының медиа сауатын дамыту ерекшеліктерін зерттеуге арналған. Бүгінгі таңда студенттердің медиа сауатын дамыту мәселесі өте өзекті. Әр түрлі медианы (компьютерлік техника, Интернет және т.б.) меңгерудің таза практикалық дағдыларынан басқа кеңістік-уақыт шындығын талдау мен синтездеудің, әр түрлі және жанрдағы медиатекстерді (яғни, ақпаратты қамтитын және коммуникация құралдары арқылы берілген хабарламалар) «оқу», түсіндіру және сыни бағалау қабілетінің маңыздылығы өзектендіріледі.

Түйінді сөздер: медиасауаттылық, медиабілім, медиакомпетенттілік, АКТ, БАҚ

The main tasks of media education are to prepare a new generation for life in modern information conditions, to perceive various information, to teach a person to understand it, to realize the consequences of its impact on the psyche, to master ways of communication based on non-verbal forms of communication using technical means [1], i.e. to make him media literate.

Media literacy helps a person to actively use the possibilities of the information field of mass media, the Internet, distance learning, develops critical thinking, gives him the opportunity to resist manipulation by the media. In the most general form, the model of the development of media literacy of students includes the following main blocks:

— statement of the levels of development and perception of media culture works in this audience;

— mastering students’ creative skills on the material of media and the formation of a full-fledged perception of media texts (taking into account their types and genres, connections with various arts, etc.);

— development of skills of critical analysis of media texts;

— acquaintance with the main milestones in the history of media culture, with the modern socio-cultural situation [2]. The emergence in recent years of a new generation of Internet applications (based on Web 2.0, for example, Moodle — a modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment), along with the already traditional electronic learning tools, poses the problem of choosing methods of teaching and learning based on information and communication technologies for modern media education.

The whole set of teaching and learning methods based on modern telecommunication technologies can be conditionally divided into four main groups according to the type of communication between the student and the teacher: — self

-learning methods;

— pedagogical methods «one-to-one»;

— teaching «one-to-many»;

— education based on communication «many-to-many».

Self-learning methods imply a multimedia approach in which educational resources are developed on the basis of a variety of different tools: computer training programs, electronic journals, interactive databases. The methods of self-learning by the nature of interaction between the subjects of the educational process are largely similar to the second group of methods. Many authors of distance courses based on the «one-to-one» method believe that learning can occur mainly due to the efforts of students, while the teacher’s pedagogical function ends with the development of Internet course materials, instructions on where to look for material, and testing – whether students have «grabbed» the material [3].

They claim that a new teaching method has emerged, where the teacher acts as an instructor who facilitates learning and participates in the process of acquiring knowledge. However, this is still a relatively new area in education, and observations show that schoolchildren do not always use network systems in the way their developers and teachers intended or desired. In addition, the study of the impact of the diversity of materials on students showed that only a smaller part of the most focused or active students will fully use the materials and available tools, while the majority limit themselves to working with the main theses and satisfactorily comply with the basic requirements when interacting with other features of the network environment. This is the relative problem of online distance learning — a potential and visible to some extent lack of communication. This problem is not completely solved by a group of «one–to-many» methods, which are based on the presentation of educational material by the teacher to students who do not play an active role in communication. But these methods are being developed on the basis of innovative technologies, such as voice and email.

Ordinary lectures are replaced by «elections» transmitted over computer networks (electronic lectures, or, in another interpretation, media text). Compliance with the terms of cooperation is ensured by methods based on «many–to-many» communications. The component of collective learning can consist of network conferences (for example, e-mail, mailing lists, comments) and synchronous interactions (for example, network chat, telephone dialogues, websites with blogs and forums created using Web 2.0 technology). Audio, audio graphic and video conferencing technologies allow us to actively develop such methods in innovative education. Computer conferences play a special role in the educational process, which allow all participants of the discussion to exchange written messages both synchronously and asynchronously, which has great didactic value. Such conditions are met, for example, by the Moodle system, focused on collective learning technologies — it allows you to organize training in the process of jointly solving educational tasks, to exchange knowledge.

Extensive communication opportunities are one of the greatest strengths of Moodle. The system supports the exchange of files of any format — both between the teacher and the student, and between the students themselves. The mailing service allows you to promptly inform all participants of the course or individual groups about current events. The forum provides an opportunity to organize an educational discussion of problems, while the discussion can be conducted in groups. You can attach files of any format to messages in the forum. There is a function for evaluating messages — both by teachers and students. The chat allows you to organize an educational discussion of problems in real time. The «Messaging» and «Comment» services are designed for individual communication between a teacher and a student: reviewing papers, discussing individual educational problems. The Teachers’ Forum service gives teachers the opportunity to discuss professional problems. An important feature of Moodle is that the system creates and stores a portfolio of each student: all the papers submitted by them, all the teacher’s grades and comments on the papers, all the messages in the forum. Computer-mediated communications, such as Moodle, allow more active use of such teaching methods as debates, modeling, role-playing games, discussion groups, brainstorming, Delphi methods, nominal group methods, forums, project groups, etc. Synchronous interactive learning allows you to immediately receive comments from the teacher and fellow students in a virtual classroom [4]. The objective of the teacher with this approach to the use of interactive learning systems is to give the audience a guide in the conditions of an overabundance of various information, to teach them to perceive it competently, to understand and analyze it. One-sided or distorted information (which is transmitted, for example, by the Internet) undoubtedly needs to be understood. That is why it is important that students can identify the differences between given and well-known facts and those requiring verification, the reliability of the source of information, logical incompatibility in the chain of reasoning, etc. In other words, students should have developed critical thinking. The performance of mastering the content of the concept «critical thinking» and the development of information literacy (media literacy) are considered to be effective if:

– right pedagogically organized process of socialization;

– Dana targets based on the formation of critical thinking in the educational process through the systematic application of technology of problem-based learning, the focus on the formation of skills of critical thinking, which includes:

  1. a) the creation of students’ concepts and ideas about the content of critical thinking (assessment, self-assessment, proof, refutation, constructive criticism, etc.);
  2. b) organization in order to master the students’ system of skills of critical assessment and self-assessment of the ideas of the process of assimilation of knowledge that will be applied in educational and practical activities.

As you know, media education is associated with all types of media (print and graphic, sound, screen, etc.) and various technologies. It enables people to understand how mass communication is used in society, to master the ability to use media in communication with other people; provides a person with knowledge of how:

  1. analyze, critically comprehend and create media texts;
  2. identify the sources of media texts, their political, social, commercial and/or cultural interests, their context;
  3. interpret media texts and values disseminated by the media;
  4. select the appropriate media to create and distribute their own media texts and gain an audience interested in them;
  5. to be able to freely access the media, both for perception and for production.

Within the framework of this project, it is necessary to highlight the main problems of media literacy that take place in our country:

— Lack of specialty and disciplines of «Media Education» in universities;

— Lack of a mass system of professional development, training of specialists in the field of media education;

— Weak media competence/ media literacy of the country’s citizens;

— The focal nature of the media education process in universities and schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Media education is part of the fundamental rights of every citizen of any country in the world to freedom of expression and the right to information and is a tool to support democracy. To date, there are practically no information resources in the country where a person could get all the comprehensive information about media literacy and media education. At the same time, we are witnessing a multiple increase in the role of media in the life of a modern person and a low level of media literacy of the mass audience. In this regard, the creation of a special portal about media literacy looks quite relevant.

Media education in the modern world is considered as a process of personal development with the help and on the material of the media in order to form a culture of communication with the media, creative, communicative abilities, critical thinking, skills of full perception, interpretation, analysis and evaluation of media texts, teaching various forms of self-expression using media technology. Media competence/media literacy acquired as a result of this process helps a person to actively use the possibilities of the information field of television, radio, video, cinema, press, Internet.

A comparison of the content of information training and media education revealed a significant heterogeneity of the material used, due to the variety of information and media resources, methods of analysis and synthesis of information, information and media products.

It should be noted that until now — both in our country and abroad — the concepts of «media education», «media literacy», «information literacy», «media culture», «information culture» are often mixed. Considerable discrepancies can also be found in theoretical approaches to media education, to the allocation of its most important goals, tasks, ways of implementation in the educational process, etc.

The main directions of improving the media literacy of learners:

— Increasing the level of media literacy among the population;

— Support of various forms of training of young people to participate in the life of society.

To ensure these principles, media literacy training using ICT must meet the following key requirements:

— availability of an open space for interactive interaction of participants (excluding passive perception of information);

— respect for the individual knowledge and skills of each participant;

— the focus is on the approach to the problem, rather than having a set of skills to solve it.

Table 1. Information resources for improving media literacy

Information preparation




Common for information training and media education


Media education



Books, brochures, reference, scientific, popular science, educational, production, official-documentary and other publications, documentary resources in traditional and electronic form.


Magazines, newspapers, including online magazines; websites, portals


TV programs, movies, videos, scripts, photographs, etc., advertising information in the media


Table 2. Information products

Information preparation


Common for information training and mediaMedia education


Reports, abstracts, digests, theses, term papers and theses, scientific and analytical reviewseducation

Reviews, reviews, articles.

Multimedia presentations, web pages, websites, etc. products based on PC and ICT knowledge

Notes, reports, interviews, essays, essays, scripts, sketches.

Photos, videos, photo collages, creative media projects, etc. products based on knowledge of the technology of photo and video shooting, photo and video editing


It is indisputable that a modern person should be able to find a book, a website, a newspaper article, a video clip, and a piece of music – that is, all the variety of modern information resources. However, as the analysis of the literature on media education has shown, training in search algorithms for various types of media resources is not provided. This is the problem that this resource should ultimately help solve. Thus, as a result of the functioning of the site, the following can be called:

— The use of knowledge by users in the perception and comprehension of media texts by students

— Formation of the ability to interpret, critically analyze media texts, understand their essence, targeted orientation, purpose (that is, to rely on six key concepts of media education: «agency», «category», «technology», «language», «representation» and «audience»);

— Formation of the ability to find the required information in various media texts, systematize it according to certain characteristics;

— Formation of the ability to transform visual information into verbal and vice versa;

— Creating your own media texts;

— Help to argue your own statements, find errors in media texts;

— Ability to navigate various communication channels.

Media competence is inextricably linked with the concept of «media education», the study of the phenomenon of which, as well as the processes of mediatization, will form mechanisms for improving the efficiency and quality of foreign language education.

Mediatization is a subprocess of informatization, the purpose of which is to create and disseminate the latest systems of collective and personal communication, providing access for any individual to all sources of information, to all levels of personal, interpersonal and group communication.

Let’s interpret the concept of media education as a pedagogical direction that advocates the study of the laws of mass communication (press, television, radio, cinema, video, etc.). The main objectives of media education:

— Prepare the new generation for life in modern information conditions, for the perception of various information

— To teach a person to understand it, to realize the consequences of its impact on the psyche

— Teach to master the ways of communication based on non-verbal forms of communication with the help of technical means

The goal and result of media education is the formation of media literacy, which in the scientific literature is understood as the ability to perceive, analyze, evaluate and create media texts, to understand the socio-cultural and political context of the functioning of media in the modern world, the code and representation systems used by them.

To date, media education is not an invariant component in the content of education, therefore, one of the solutions for the implementation of the main objectives of media education is the organization of elective courses, which will allow students to gradually and fully form media competence.

Creative tasks (literary-imitation, theatrical-role, literary-analytical, pictorial-imitation) based on the key concepts of media education are of the greatest interest from the point of view of media competence formation.

Thus, the formation of media literacy is associated with the solution of a whole range of tasks. The main one is the development of critical thinking, the result of which is the interpretation, analysis and evaluation of the media text; the formation of independent judgments on the problems of the text in order to protect against possible manipulative media influence and develop the ability to navigate the information flow; the development of creative potential, which involves the development of personal qualities and abilities necessary to actualize the creative potential of students, as well as the development of the ability to aesthetic perception, evaluation, understanding of media texts, to evaluate the aesthetic qualities of media texts.


  1. Федоров А. В. Развитие критического мышления в медиаобразовании: основные понятия // Инновации в образовании. № 4. С. 12–37.
  2. Motschnig-Pitrik R., Holzinger A. Student-Centered Teaching Meets New Media: Concepts and Case Study // Educational Technology & Society. 2002. Vol. 5, N 4. P. 160–172.
  3. Федотова Л.Н. Социологический метод изучения СМК. – М.: Институт социологии РАН, 2012
  4. Олег Яницкий. Цифрлы технологияның шегі жоқ/Айкын, №67 (3335) 1 МАМЫР, 2018 СЕЙСЕНБІ

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