UDC – 81:001.4
ГРНТИ – 16.01.33

Research article
Kazhimova A.
1st year master’s degree student on the specialty 7M01705 – “Preparation of a foreign language teachers”
West Kazakhstan University named after M.Utemisov
Kazakhstan, Uralsk
Correspondence: a_kazhimova@mail.ru


             Annotation: Modern linguistics is marked by a tendency towards a more thorough study of the relationship between language and culture, language and national psychology. This connection is most fully revealed in the vocabulary of the language. The differences between lexical means belonging to different languages ​​stand out most clearly in the differences between lexical systems, in the specifics of the relations connecting lexical units with each other. only sums up and reflects linguistically a system of certain concepts, but also has predictive properties, serves as a tool for the further development of science.

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the identification of the lexical-semantic field «soil ecology» in English and Russian, in the analysis of the history of its formation in two languages; in a comprehensive analysis of its systemic characteristics; in identifying the features of the structure of environmental terms and comparing the degree of their equivalence in English and Russian, in defining the concepts of «soil ecology» and their lexical correlation, as well as in a comprehensive analysis of the conceptual and terminological system «soil ecology».

            Kew words: Soil ecology, saline, posture land, soil erosion, soil fertility, meadow soil



The need to study the equivalence of multilingual lexemes and the peculiarities of the formation of special words belonging to the field of soil science is caused by a number of reasons, both external and intralingual, which include the following:

  1. Soil ecology is a phenomenon that occupies a leading position in ecology. In the modern world, the role and significance of the state of the soil cover and soil processes in the emergence, preservation and evolution of ecosystems and the biosphere are extremely great.
  2. Developed and applied aspects of ecological soil science, associated mainly with the protection and control of the state of the soil cover. The principles of preserving and creating such soil properties that determine high, stable and high-quality fertility, do not damage the associated components of the biosphere.
  3. Soil ecology is a branch of knowledge that encompasses the use of natural resources and the development of labor processes, rational land use and agriculture, which determine the accumulation of material wealth in society, which is wide-ranging and multi-variant. The activity of this industry is associated with such phenomena as:

— the formation of regional and global natural and technogenic ecosystems;

— prevention of the occurrence of local, regional and global environmental disasters;

— preventing a sharp reduction of territories for the development of agriculture;

— fight against global soil pollution.

Unfortunately, all over the world there is a progressive deterioration of the ecological situation, including the condition of the soil.

  1. As a branch of knowledge, soil ecology considers the regularities of the functional relationships of the soil with the environment. Soil-forming processes, processes of accumulation of plant matter and humus formation are studied from an ecological point of view. The applied significance of ecological soil science is reduced to the development of measures for the rational use of land resources.
  2. In recent years, significant and fundamentally important changes have taken place in the theory of soil science. The lexical and terminological material has expanded.

Understanding the specifics of industry vocabulary dramatically improves the quality of work in this area. All this requires the study of both basic terms that have a specific meaning, and the most frequently used scientific terms from related fields.

  1. The expansion of the field of environmental studies led to an increase in the bank of environmental terms, caused a rapid growth of terminological units, and this, in turn, led to the emergence of numerous encyclopedic publications and dictionaries on the subject under study.

The contradictory nature of information in the literature of this kind causes a number of inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the translation of special texts and technical documentation, and also causes great difficulties in the communication of soil scientists belonging to different linguistic systems.

The urgent need for streamlining and complex unification of terms has long been ripe. However, an effective unification of the terminology system should be based on preliminary linguistic research. Since in order to create a clear terminology system it is necessary to establish the patterns of natural formation and development of terminology, to highlight the characteristic features, this work undertook a multifaceted comparative study of special units belonging to the terminology «soil ecology» in the historical, semasiological and comparative comparative aspects, and also carried out a comprehensive analysis of connections and relationships that exist between lexemes.

Research materials and methods

The object of research in this work is the English and Russian vocabulary belonging to the lexical-semantic field «soil ecology»

The subject of the research was a comparative study of the formation of the lexical-semantic field «soil ecology» in English and Russian languages, the analysis of word-formation and semantic processes characteristic of the components included in this field in the analyzed languages, and its nuclear components — the lexemes soil and почва.

The material for the study of the specifics of the lexical-semantic field «soil ecology» in the two languages ​​was the texts of scientific works, encyclopedias, terminological standards, normative and technical documents, as well as special dictionaries [«Great English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary», 1991, «Anglo-Russian and Russian-English ecological dictionary-reference book «, 2000,» New large Russian-English polytechnic dictionary «, 2000; «English-Russian Ecological Dictionary», 2000, «Russian-English Geological Dictionary», 2003, «English-Russian Geological Dictionary», 2003, «Glossary of soil terms», 1995]. Certain lexemes of the thematic field «soil ecology», considered in this work, were the subject of research in the book by A. A. Ufimtseva «Experience in studying vocabulary as a system» [M., URSS — 2004]

In the process of collecting the material, more than 50,000 pages of scientific and lexicographic texts were viewed. accounting for part-of-speech affiliation, study of the surrounding context), the lexical composition of the field «soil ecology» was revealed; the list of words in English is represented by 705 lexemes, in Russian it is represented by 605 lexemes. The selection of special vocabulary was carried out taking into account the thematic affiliation, the completeness of the coverage of the vocabulary of the described terminology, and the time factor. Lexical items presented in several spellings were treated as separate lexemes.

The following methods were used in the work:

— the method of formal structural analysis (to identify the structural features of lexical units);

— the method of comparative historical analysis (to identify the national-historical characteristics of filling the selected thematic field in two languages),

— the method of the semantic field (to establish semantic relations between the selected lexical units),

— the method of comparative analysis (to establish the similarities and differences of the selected lexical units in two languages);

— the method of dictionary definitions (for analyzing the semantic structure of words);

— contextual analysis (to clarify the semantics of polysemantic and homonymous tokens),

method of quantitative analysis (to determine the relative frequency of use of the analyzed lexemes, highlight the most productive models).

The main sources of lexical material and the analysis performed were more than 25 scientific works on soil, soil science, geology in Russian and English; special dictionaries [«Russian-English Biological dictionary», 1964, «Explanatory Dictionary of English Geological Terms» (3 volumes), 1978, «English-Russian Geological Dictionary», 1988, «Thesaurus on ecology, International standard book», 1995, Pollution thesaurus, 2005; «Dictionary-reference book on soil science», 2004; «Russian-English Geological Dictionary», 2003, etc.], as well as the Great Oxford Dictionary in 20 vols. [«The Oxford English Dictionary»], English-Russian and Russian-English translation dictionaries, abstracts, materials of seminars and conferences, texts and publications taken from the Internet, encyclopedias, terminological standards, glossaries, regulatory and technical documents, as well as scientific works in the field of ecology and soil science.

Research results

The carried out semantic analysis of the terms of the lexical-semantic field «soil ecology» showed that synonymy is a widespread phenomenon in English terminology. This term system represents all the main types of synonyms identified at the present time: options (land carrying capacity = land capacity — the productive capacity of the earth; soil stabilization = stabilization — consolidation of the soil); doublets (loam soil = terra fusca — brown loamy soil); quasi-synonyms (fertility = rankness — soil fertility) and equivalents (barren ground = jilh — barren land).

When classifying, taking into account the feature of the language level, the following types of options were identified: graphic (bottom land = bottomland, earthflow = flow), phonetic-graphic (boghara = bogara), word-formation options (pastoral land = pasture land), syntactic (erosion of soil = soil erosion), morphological-syntactic (saline soil = saline).

The study revealed that the synonymy of words, reflecting the proximity or coincidence of concepts, uses various linguistic means: addition of words or bases of a multicomponent term, omission of one of the components of a multicomponent term, derivational affixes, word order within a combination.

The identification of synonymous pairs made it possible to establish that some terms have several synonymous meanings, which allows us to talk about whole synonymous series. In the course of the study, the features of each synonym term were identified, which made it possible to classify synonymous pairs into subgroups.

As a result of the distribution of synonyms by categories (composite variants, elliptical variants, syntactic variants, morphological variants, derivational variants, quasi-synonyms and doublets), it was possible to identify that the most synonymous pairs are contained in the “doublet” category. The smallest number of synonymous pairs was found in the «graphic options» category.

In contrast to synonymy, polysemy in this terminology is represented by fewer examples. Analysis of the phenomenon of ambiguity in the terminology of «soil ecology» showed that some terms are used simultaneously in generic and species meanings (meadow soil — in a broad sense, «soddy, meadow soil», and in a narrow sense — «soil of swamps and swamps»).


Many ambiguous terms of the studied terminology have latent ambiguity, when a one-word term in other languages ​​corresponds to two or more closely related, but clearly different terms. For example, the English term soil conditioning in Russian corresponds to 2 terms: 1. improvement of the structure and physical properties of soil; 2. presowing tillage. Latent ambiguity is also observed in single-word terms (tamping — 1. surface compaction, tamping; 2. soil trampling).

It was found that the ambiguity of wordy and one-word terms can be established by comparing the English and Russian vocabulary in translation dictionaries.

The study showed that the ambiguity of terms is determined by linguistic definitions, or the so-called environment of the term, inherent in specific lexemes of terminology (soil — 1.soil, soil, land — agricultural soil, bog soil; 2.soil — soil layer, sediment — pan soil, virgin soil; 3.soil — compost, organic fertilizer — humus-fen soil, night soil).

Both analyzed terminological systems are young, open, and currently in a state of further formation.


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Кажимова А.Қ.

Ағылшын тіліндегі «Топырақ экологиясы» терминологиясының дамуына салыстырмалы талдау жасау.

Аңдатпа: Қазіргі психология тіл мен мәдениеттің, тіл мен ұлттық тілдердің лингвистикалық қарым-қатынастарын тереңірек зерттеуге бейімділікпен ерекшеленеді; табылған ең толық байланыс сөздікте анықталады. лексикалық себептер арасындағы сәйкестендіру, олардың әр түрлі тілдердің орнығуы лексикалық жағдайлар арасындағы айырмашылықтарда, ерекшеліктерде, лексикалық қатынастарды бір-бірімен байланыстыруда ерекше көзге түседі. тек қорытындылайды және өнім лингвистикалық тұрғыдан анықталған ұғымдар жүйесі болып табылады, бірақ ғылымның ұзақ мерзімді дамуы үшін таратуға қатысатын болжамдық қасиеттерге ие.

Зерттеудің ғылыми жаңалығы «Аймақ экологиясы» лексика-семантикалық саласының орыс және орыс тілдерінде бөлінуінде, оның қалыптасу тарихын екі жерде талдауда; оның жүйелік сипаттамаларын кешенді талдауда; нақты экологиялық терминдердің ерекшеліктерін анықтауда және олардың ағылшын және орыс тілдеріндегі баламалылығын бағалауда, «аймақ экологиясы» ұғымдарының мағынасында және олардың лексикалық корреляциясында, сонымен қатар «экология» ұғымдық-терминологиялық жүйесін кешенді талдауда ауданның».

Кілт сөздер: Топырақ экологиясы, сортаңдығы, қалпы, топырақ эрозиясы, топырақ құнарлығы, шалғынды топырақ.


Кажимова А.К.

Сравнительно-сопоставительный анализ развития терминологии «экология почв» в английском языке

Аннотация: Современная лингвистика отмечена тенденцией к более тщательному исследованию отношений между языком и культурой, языком и национальной психологией наиболее полно данная связь раскрывается в словарном запасе языка. Различия между лексическими средствами, принадлежащими разным языкам, ярче всего выступают в различиях между лексическими системами, в специфике отношений, связывающих лексические единицы между собой Актуальность настоящего исследования определяется необходимостью разработки и упорядочения экологической терминологии (в данном случае — экологии почвы), поскольку упорядоченная терминология не только подводит итог и отражает лингвистически систему определённых понятий, но и обладает прогностическими свойствами, служит инструментом для дальнейшего развития науки.

Научная новизна исследования заключается в выделении лексико-семантического поля «экология почвы» в английском и русском языках, в анализе истории его формирования в двух языках; в комплексном анализе его системных характеристик; в выявлении особенностей структуры экологических терминов и сравнении степени их эквивалентности в английском и русском языках, в определении понятий «экологии почвы» и их лексической соотнесенности, а также в комплексном анализе понятийно-терминологической системы «экология почвы».

Ключевые слова: Экология почв, засоление, осанка, эрозия почв, плодородие почв, луговые почвы.

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