Home » Ашық сабақтар » «Who is the best?» — Тапқыр болсаң озып көр

«Who is the best?» — Тапқыр болсаң озып көр


Көрнекіліктер: суреттер,әр елдің туы, мақал-мәтелдер, плакаттар
Мақсаты :
• Ағылшын тілін түсінуді үйрету;
• Алған білімдерін, дағдыларын нақты ситуацияда қолдана білу; ой-өрісін кеңейту; логикалық ойлауды дамыту; тілдік, зияткерлік, танымдық қабілеттерін дамыту;
• Топта жұмыс істей білу; ағылшын тіліне қызығушылығын арттыру; қарым-қатынас мәдениетін қалыптастыру.
I Organization moment.
Good afternoon, dear teachers, dear pupils! Welcome to the party! We congratulate you with the holiday of languages! Nowadays it is very important to learn three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. As you know there about 3 thousand languages in the world. English is the most widespread. It is the official language in many countries. It is the official language of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the USA, of Australia and New Zealand.
Today at our school we have a big competition “Who’s the best?” Before our competition let’s invite our judges.

1st  level Introduction

2nd  level “Baiga”.

3rd  level “ Who is the best?”

4th  level “Polyglot”.

5th level ‘Who knows more words?’

6th level ‘Find the words’

7th level ‘Find the opposites of the words’
Let’s invite the participiants of our game. There are two teams. You are
II round  . We wish you good luck and success. Let’s begin our competition. The first round is “Baiga”. The task is to answer the questions as quickly as possible. Answer the questions in a chain.
Сұрақтарға топтар кезек-кезек жауап беру керек.
1. What is the biggest state of the USA?( Alaska)
2. Where is the statue of Liberty situated? (New York)
3. Who is the author of “ROMEO AND JULLIETA”? ( Shakespeare)
4. Who is the author of “ASIA” ? (Oлжас Сулейменов)
5. How many states are there in America? (50)
6. When is America’s Independence Day? (July,4)7. What is the capital of New Zealand? ( Wellington)
8. What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)
9. Who was the first President of the USA?- George Washington
10. What is the national symbol of England? ( Rose)
10.What is the longest river in London? (the Thames)
11. What is the Big Ben? ( a clock)
12. What is the highest mountain in GB? (Ben Nevis)
III round is “ Who is the best?”
In these envelopes there are two letters: A and B. I will read you questions and all answers will start with the letters A or B.
Letter A
1. The name of the fruit. (apple)
2. The river of the USA. (Amazonka)
3. The name of the month. ( April)
4. The capital of Kazakhstan. (Astana)
5. One of the Oceans ( Atlantic Ocean)
6. The famous Kazakh writer (Abai)
Letter B
1. A little child (baby)
2. The name of the fruit. (banana)
3. The antonym of the word “good”. (bad)
4. A kind of the dance. (ballet)
5. The capital of Germany. (Berlin)
6 .The English poet /Byron /
IV  round is “Polyglot”. Let’s solve the riddles and give an answer in three languages.
1.It runs, runs, but it will never run out
2.It flows, who knows. (a river)
3.This animal can go long time without food and water (a camel)
4.It is, it is cold. We can skate on it. What is this? (ice)
5.A blue sheet cover whole world (the sky)
6.What goes up when the rain comes. (an umbrella)

1.A place where you get books and must return it (book)
2.What day don’t you go to school? (on Sunday)
3.An outdoor game for two teams of eleven players. The object of the game is to score a goal. (Football )

  1. The teacher writes on me with chalk. My face is black. I can not talk. (blackboard)

5.I am long and thin and made of steel. I cut the mutton, beaf and veal. When not in use I lie and wait. Beside my owner`s round white plate. (knife)

6.What has hands but no fingers? (a watch)

V round is  Who knows more words?
I team – Kinds of food.
II team- Kinds of clothing.

VI round is Find the words and give them to the judges.

1- team: ocunyrt – country
repsent — present
rnefch – French
lidhoay – holiday
2- team: erthegot — together
dinerf — friend
velyol – lovely
netogu – tongue

VII. The next task is to find the opposites of the words. You will be given the sheets of paper with adjectives. Find the antonyms and translate them into Kazakh.

For the first group:
Fast—- cheap
Small—— dirty
Clean—- boring
Interesting—— big
Expensive—— slow

For the second group:
Safe—— easy
Famous—— cold
Old —— young
Hot —— well-known
Difficult —— dangerous

  1. Conclusion. Awarding the winners.
    Our game comes to the end. I think that you’ll see it’s very important to study English. I wish you success in studying English. Thank you for your attention. Good-bye!


Аманова Индира Айбековна,

Батыс Қазақстан облысы,
«Сырым аудандық білім беру бөлімінің

жалпы білім беретін Көгеріс негізгі мектебі»

коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесінің

ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі.

Сіз не дейсіз оқырман?

Е-мэйлыңыз жарияланбайды.