Майлашева Лаззат Балмановна
Атырау қаласы
Қ.Дүтбаева атындағы
Атырау гуманитарлық колледжінің
ағылшын және неміс тілдері пәндерінің оқытушысы

Literary drawing room

 “Love mankind as your kin…”. (Abai’s concept of humanism)


Objectives: to enhance students’ existing knowledge of the language; expand their understanding of the significance of the personality of Abay Kunanbayev as a poet, composer and philosopher.

Form of conduct: literary drawing room.

Visibility: a portrait of Abay (in the design of the hall), an exhibition of the poet’s works in different languages, a presentation for the script of the holiday.


Holiday script 


— Good  afternoon, dear students! Today we are having  a  holiday to celebrate the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev. This is a literary living-room  which  is called  by Abai’s concept of humanism “Love mankind as your kin…” is dedicated to the work of the great Kazakh poet Abay Kunanbayev. This evening we will plunge into the world of magnificiant poetry by reading excerpts from poems, songs and works of Abai.

— The creativity of great Abai — the pride of national culture, is the most important component of the cultural code of the nation, his name is widely known to the international reading community.

— There are many holidays in our country: state, national, but there is one more, it is planned to organise large-scale events devoted to Abai’s anniversary both domestically and internationally. But all this should not be a celebration, but rather a spiritual enlightenment.

— The simple truth is known:

All people, even from different countries,

Do not know words more important

Than Country, Rodina, Otan.

— Every language is a whole world. Language is the living soul of a people, its happiness, pain, memory, treasure. There is no language that does not deserve respect. Each nation has its own language, which is dear to him, like the voice of his mother, like the bread of his native land.

Жүрегін шырақ етіп жандырған кім?

Жырымен жан сусынын қандырған кім?

Өзіне –өзі орнатып ескерткішті,

Мұрағып, кейінгіге қалдырған кім?

Ерте оянып , ойланып , ержеткен кім?

Талабын тас қияға өрлеткен кім?

Құбажан, құрбақан құм, құла қырда,

Өлеңнің бесігінде тербеткен кім?


Соқтықпалы, соқпақсыз жерде өскен кім?

Үнінен әділдіктің лебі ескен кім?

Арманын атандырып келешекке ,

Біздермен осы күнгі тілдескен кім?

Тайсалмай, мыңмен жалғыз алысқан кім?

Жауына найза сөзін шанышқан кім?

Өзендей  құйған  барын көк теңізге,

Лермонтов, Пушкиндермен табысқан кім?

— Each nation has its own genius, the pride of a nation, whose creations express the essence of the soul of this nation, most often these are poets. It is their language that remains exemplary: among the Russian people — this is Pushkin, among the British — Shakespeare, and among the Kazakhs — this is Abay

— Abay Kunanbaev (1845-1904). Abay was born in 1845 at the bottom of the Chingiz Mountain in the today’s Abai district (former Karkaraly) located in Eastern Kazakhstan region (formerly, the Semipalatinsk region).

He was a well-known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first classic.

The heritage he left his nation is rich in songs and poems, translations and prose. His translations of the poetry written by Russian writers and poets such as Pushkin, Lermontov, and Krylov became the national patrimony of Kazakhstan. He translated the works of Schiller, Goethe, and Byron into Kazakh language. «Kara Sozder» [Words of edification] (prose) created by the great thinker constitute an ethnic philosophical work. This creation of his is an exploration of Kazakh national life in the second half of the 19th century. He influenced social affairs in the country where he lived.

He also participated in the governing of the country and played a certain role in trying to solve complicated problems justly. The name of Abai is known worldwide just as Shakespeare, Goethe, and Pushkin are well-known in many countries, because his great words became a spiritual patrimony of not only one nation, but of the entire humankind.

— The poem «Summer» is the first of his works that were published during the life of Abay. In it, the aul, spread out on a summer flight, brings quiet happiness, spiritual clarity, peace. Nature and man are shown in interaction. The motive of hope, simple human joy sounds in this poem. Listen to a passage from this poem. (Read the poem «Summer» in 2 languages, student.)

— In fact, having written this poem, Abay became the founder of landscape lyrics in Kazakh literature. Describing the beauty of nature, he resorts to bright, fresh colors, national images. About all 4 seasons, Abay wrote beautiful poems, they are called “Winter”, “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn”.

(Read the poem «Winter» in Russian)

— Abay did not collect and store his creations, since during his lifetime there was no tradition to publish his works. Therefore, many of his works, written impromptu, sometimes in haste, sometimes just on a piece of paper, have been lost for us forever. Those verses that people knew by heart came to us. But even in this form of creation, Abai are the highest examples of human genius.

— Abay was not only a poet, translator, but also a musician, a deep connoisseur and a connoisseur of Kazakh folk music; he created a series of tunes for his poems. He also wrote melodies to his translations of excerpts from Pushkin’s novel «Eugene Onegin.» The name of Pushkin and the names of his heroes, Onegin and Tatyana, flying over the steppes on the wings of these songs, became as native to the Kazakh people as the names of Kazakh akyns and heroes of Kazakh epic poems.

(The song «Kozimnin karasy» in three languages:3 students).                       

— Everything that is precious in language, everything is reflected in poetry, Abai believed. Poetry is the pinnacle of any language. Arguing that «poetry is the ruler of the language …», Abai himself was the master of poetry, «the son of not only his father, his people, but all of humanity.»

(The poem «Poetry is the ruler of the language» in the Kazakh language:Өлең сөздің патшасы) 

The next student: «Жасымда ғылым бар деп ескермедім»

The next student: «Ғылым таппай мақтанба»

The next student: «Әсемпаз болма әрнеге»

Song «Желсіз түнде жарық ай» 

— In his declining years, Abay wrote «Words of edification,» which consists of 45 brief parables and philosophical treatises. He already knew the temptation of power and the hardships of earthly affairs, the recognition of the people and the loss of loved ones. In this work, he reflects on the meaning of life, gives advice to young people, exposes human vices, promotes the moral standards of man. “Words of edification” are written simply, readily, and interestingly.

-Wise Abay used to love to repeat the words of the Prophet Muhammad: «A good man is one that benefits the people» [«Gakliya» — «Words of edification», the  thirty-eighth word] these words can be applied to him but not anyone else.

-The essay «Gakliya»(«Words of edification») or «Kara soz» (“Book of words”), take a special place in the Abay’s art. Under these name combined forty five «Words» — small, carefully crafted, artistic, stylistic completed fragments. The term «penalty» (Black) in combination with the term «Soz» («The Word») is extremely polysemous. This symbolize sadness, prose, unlike rhymed speech and text. As well as it means something significant, important and paramount in the Turkic tradition.

On the behalf of Socrates Abay in the “Book of words” said about what he thought thoroughly before, disputing with Aristotle, the philosopher says: “Certainly, you will agree, that the top creation of the creator is a man. However, does not the creator give him five senses, being confident in their necessities for man? Do you find that a man has random organs? For example, we have eyes to see. If they were not existed, could we enjoy the beauty of the world?  Eyes are gentle and there are eyelids to keep them. They open and close when it necessary from a wind and mote, whereas eyebrows withdraw sweats trickling down from forehead.    If ears were not existed, people would not be able to hear noise, rattling, would not be able to guard against rustling or cry and would not have enjoyed the sounds of songs or tunes. If a nose does not smell, people would not able stretch incense and turn away from stench. He would not care. Finally, if a person would not have palate and tongue, he would be able to recognize sweetness or bitterness of food. Is that all bad for human? Eyes and nose are located not far from mouth to man to see purity and could smell a food. However, other necessary to person holes, which spew out waste from body and located away from the head. “Could it be possible to say that it’s all random manifestation of the mind of the creator?” [Word twenty seventh]

-“Words of edification” is like conclusion and result of life. “Lived I good life up until now, but when we can already see the end of the path, when the soul exhausted and tired. I am convinced that my good intentions being ineffective in the vanity and frailty of human life. “I am truly dead, despite that I am exist. I cannot understand the reason: whether weak disappointment to relatives, whether in the rejection of himself or something else. In appearance I am quite healthy, as dead inside. Even if laugh I do not feel joy. No matter what I tell you, if I laugh — all this as not mine, but someone else”. “I do not understand how do I treat my nation: do I dislike or love them? – If I loved them, without any doubt I would agree its morals and among other characters found out even one to be proud of. My love would not allow the faith to go out, as if my people have such qualities inherent of great people. However, I do not have that faith”, – draws a line Abay. Nine years passed before Abay wrote forty-five “Words-talks”, and expressed in them innermost thoughts, aspirations, mournful complaints indifferent to the poet’s voice contemporaries. “Life is lived – I argued, fought, judged, having only troubles and exhausted on them, tired and convinced in aimlessness of everything done”.


I have a great,

Wide kin,

No reason to be alone,

Great family,

but I was not understood

And I live alone among,

As the tomb of the shaman,

I am alone — that’s my truth!

A careful and thoughtful reading and studying of “Words” will be a tribute to the great and wise Abay, whom can be referred lines, once written by him:   Can be called the one, Who gave to the world immortal words.
Abay Kunanbayev is the great poet, writer, public figure, founder of modern Kazakh literature, reformer of culture in the spirit of rapprochement with Russian and European culture on the basis of enlightened Islam.

—  Abai died in 1904 on the peak of his career, he was buried in Zhidebai, where his home is situated. Now, not far from Semipalatinsk, there is a memorial complex, the museum named after Abai. The name of Abai is known worldwide just as Shakespeare, Goethe, and Pushkin are well-known in many countries, because his great words became a spiritual patrimony of not only one nation, but of the entire humankind. Abay Qunanbayuli steeped himself in the cultural and philosophical history of these newly opened geographies. In this sense, Abay’s creative poetry affected the philosophical thinking of educated Kazakhs.

— Our celebration, devoted to the anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev has ended. Thank you for your attention. We wish you to be united, to know the languages brilliantly and respect each other no matter what nationality you are.

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