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Кибраева Алима Ниязбекқызы

Кибраева Алима Ниязбекқызы,
№19 Дінмұхамед Қонаев атындағы мектеп — гимназиясының
ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі





Aim of the lesson:
1. Educational: To enrich students’ knowledge on the theme; to widen their vocabulary through doing different tasks; to introduce and fixing of new vocabulary on the topic «Travelling».
2. Developmental: To develop student’s skills in oral speech; to develop student’s writing, reading and speaking abilities through giving several tasks; to improve their mental and critical thinking.
3. Cultural: To bring up students to respect and love foreign language.
Type: combined
Visual aids: book, copybook, workbook, CD disc, cards, different tasks on the sheets, pictures of transports and interactive board.

The Procedure of the lesson:

I. The org. moment (2 мин) Оқушылармен сәлемдесу.

Good morning pupils! ——Good morning teacher!
How are you today? ——— Ok! Fine! Great!
Sit down please.
What date is it today? —-Today is of March.
What day of the week today? ———It is Thursday.

II. Home task. (7 мин) Today we will speak about Travelling. Do different tasks with reading, listening, make up sentences, sing a song and will do clusters.
Before that, let’s remember the last lessons new words. I have tickets with words take these tickets and say the translation of these words.
Көп – a lot of
Күн сайын – every day
Білу — know
Ұзын — long
Жаңа — new
Танымал — popular
Бекет — station
Бір жерге бару — visit
Қолдану — use
Әлем — world
Үлкен — big
Ескі – old

ІІІ. New theme. (5 мин) So now, kids tell me please, what we are doing to see the other countries? And what we need to travel? ____Ok! Thank you kids!
Now I’ll divide you into groups look on your shirts of paper on your hands. And who’s take the card with plane will be the first group, who’s take the card with train will be the second group and who take the card with ship will be the third group. Take your places and tell me the captains of your groups. Now captains wear your caps.
So kids if you ready for the lesson look at the blackboard to the new words. Listen and repeat after me:
New words
All over the world – бүкіл әлемде
Travel – саяхаттау
Travelling – саяхат
By plane – ұшақпен
By train – пойызбен
By ship – кемемен
China – Қытай
New York – Нью Йорк
London – Лондон
Russia – Ресей
Moscow – Мәскеу

IV. Phonetic drill. (2 мин) As usually let’s do the exercise for our tongue and transcription sign. Listen and repeat after me: Оқушылар аталған дыбысты қайталап, тілдерін жаттықтырады.
Letter V V V, listen v v v.
Vet, very, view, Victory.
Victory day
Victory Day is my favorite holiday.

V. Doing exercises. (10 мин)
Task 1. Listening. Track 42. Children listen to the text and attention to the pictures. Оқушылар мәтін таңдап, мәтін бойынша сұрақтарға жауап береді.
Answer the questions.
1. What’s Anar’s friend’s name? (Lin-Lu)
2. Where is she from? (China)
3. How can you go to China? (by train)
4. What’s Alibek’s friend’s name? (Sasha)
5. Where is he from? (Russia)
6. How can you go to Russia? (by plane)

Task 2. Make sentences. On this task I’ll give you cards with map. You should to say how you can get to the country on the map. Оқушыларға карточкалар беріледі, карточкаларда карта бейнеленген, карта бойынша белгіленген жерге қалай жетуге болатынын сөйлем құрап айтуы керек.
Example: You can go to Paris by plane.

Keys: 1. You can go to London by plane.
2. You can go to Moscow by train.
3. You can go to New-York by ship.
4. You can go to Astana by train.
5. You can go to New-York by ship.
6. You can go to Moscow by plane.

VI. Physical minute. (3 мин)
Listen and sing. Диск тындап, «Саяхат» әнін айту. Track 43.
Travelling is great, travelling is fun.
You can travel all over the world under the sun.
Travel by bike and travel by car.
You can travel so far.
Travelling is great, travelling is fun.
You can travel all over the world under the sun.
Travel by ship and travel by train.
Travel by bus and travel by plane
Travelling is great, travelling is fun.
You can travel all over the world under the sun.

Task 3. Complete the sentences. Pupils working in groups should to put into the gaps given prepositions. Then the groups checking each others. Бұл тапсырмада берілген предлогтарды төмендегі сөйлемдердегі бос орындарға қойып жазуы керек. Тапсырма соңында топтар бір—бірінің жауаптарын өзара алмастырып, тексереді және бағалайды.
Keys: 1. You can go to China by train.
2. I go to school by tram.
3. People can travel all over the world by ship.
4. You can go to Shymkent by bus.

Task 4. Write clusters.
1. Types of transports.
2. Cities.
3. Countries.

VII. Conclusion. Check yourself!
Let’s play a game hot potato. Take the ball and giving each other’s you should say the word which you learned at this lesson.
VIII. Home task. Today you worked hard and were so active. Your mark for the lesson.! And your home work for the next lesson exercise 5 in workbook on page 53.
Thank you for the lesson! See you soon! Good bye!

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